Currently Browsing: blog

Things are changing.

I observe a world where the only thing we can guarantee is nothing will be the same. I think I enjoy this chaos nature. It wasn’t something I always embraced. I still observe my tendency to control. That last bit of effort to make things feel as if they’ll be better once I decide how […]

I quit my job today

If you’ve spent any length of time with me over the past few months you already knew. It’s been a very complicated decision that I’ve given a lot of thought. It wasn’t easy. I had an amazing boss, great pay, benefits, downtown office with snacks (precovid). The ideal dream job, I saw for myself in […]

Writing from my Phone

Eventually you have a pile of clever and witty things. You did a bunch of cool shit and now you get go on an on about cool the shit you did was. Not only that, but you get to buy over priced coffee and sit at table in a busy place in a busy city […]

Back to WordPress

My history with WordPress stretches over a decade. Every time I revisit, it becomes more and more streamlined. Much of that is the advancement in the technology but also my own skill set and understanding. Recently I’ve been working a lot with AWS architecture. I leaned a bit into those skills to eliminate a lot […]

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