That night for dinner in Kansas City

One night in Kansas City, I’d made a trip to a restaurant on the way back home to pick up dinner. I parked in the parking lot and walked in to get my order.  As I returned to my car with my acquired meal I got into my drivers seat. As I was getting in […]

Some Farm Team for California – A story of baseball and recognizing growth

The youngest I remember an interest in baseball, I was 7. I was never that into it I guess. I liked collecting the baseball cards and was intrigued to understand the stats even though I never really did. I was more curious about the sport than passionate, but I still loved to go to a […]

Hawaii Island Explored

Hawaii Island Explored

Ohana — Hawaii Teaches Me About Community

Lack of community and contentment has been my greatest challenge over the past year. While the pandemic fueled a lot of this, deciding to not renew my SF lease and nomad with a vague plan didn’t help either. This road can be pretty lonely. Meeting amazing people over and over helps. You do develop rapport […]

Keanu Reeves’s Perfect Answer

I spent months thinking about this clip. Initially I was taken back by how great a response KR gives. Overtime I became obsessed. Why was this answer so profound to me. To the Audience. To Stephen Colbert. Why after many weeks of replaying it in my head do I still find myself re-watching. Every time […]

Things Repurposed for the Universe — A Spiritual Lesson of Minimalism

As a budding digital nomad traveler, who’s closing in on their last two weeks as a full time San Franciscan. I’m having to part with most of my things. Many of these things are obvious like extra shoes, extra blankets, furniture. What catches you off guard are the things you absently assumed would always be […]

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